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Tracyann Ayala for NCCFT President

I am running for NCCFT President because we need change!   My career has spanned both the corporate and academic world.  I have over twenty years of experience in the field of Finance.   This has made me comfortable with numbers, will help me think creatively and on my feet during negotiations.   But I also have an understanding of the academic side through my time here at NCC.   I have served on the Scholarship, ERC and DEI committees.   I promise you I will use every tool at my disposal to negotiate a fair contract that benefits ALL members of the NCCFT!  


My education was in a public college like NCC.   I got a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Brooklyn College (CUNY).  Then I tried the private college atmosphere by attending Pace University and obtaining an MBA in Finance and starting a Doctorate in Finance.  I am ABD so, hopefully, I can cross that finish line soon!


As mentioned above my career has been in both the corporate world and academia.  My first full time job was at The Bank of New York on the accounting team.  This position helped me connect my education in accounting to the real world.   Some people start their career in accounting and think to themselves there are too many numbers!   I thought the opposite!   Eventually, I transitioned into the training team and taught new hires about accounting and investments.  This is when I realized that I love teaching, especially teaching financial concepts. 


My next career step was at HSBC.  There I was the Regional Head of Learning for the Alternative Investments group in the Americas.  In the Alternative Investments group, I worked with Private Equity and Hedge Funds.   This was an instrumental piece of my professional career and one that has given me important skills for a Union leader.  I managed the learning needs for over a thousand people in locations across the Americas, which encompassed North America, South America and the Caribbean.  While my career up to this point was all financial and business education, here I branched off into soft skills training too.  Plus, my team was responsible for career management.  We outlined skills necessary for employee’s careers, engaged in and managed a mentor program, etc.  These things will be helpful when looking at our diverse union and helping to mold our members’ needs for the future.   In addition, I managed a group of trainers, which gave me the typical managerial tasks you would expect – interviewing, hiring, performance appraisals, vendor negotiations, budgets, etc. 


My last stop is here at Nassau Community College.  I have served on a few Committees – Scholarship, Educational Resources, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Departmental OER and the P&B Committee for my department.  On the Scholarship Committee I have served as Secretary.  This is one of my favorite committees because it is directly related to finance!  Being able to help deserving students with scholarships to help ease their financial burden is an amazing perk of working here.  I also serve on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (DEI).  With my past working experience at HSBC, I thought I had a good understanding of Diversity and how to implement it in the world of teaching.   But the DEI Committee has really expanded my knowledge in this area, and I try to implement it into my classes as much as possible.  For my department, I am an alternate on the P&B Committee and the Chair of the Departmental OER Committee.   OER is another favorite thing of mine.  Through OER we can help students save money on expensive textbooks.  Plus, I think using my own materials makes it more effective for the students.   Teaching in a corporate environment was good.  But at NCC, this is where we all make a real difference.  We shape young minds and hopefully help get them on the right path or continue to steer them if they are already on the right path!   Like you, I know I make a real difference in people’s lives by working here.   So, making sure our union is strong is a top priority.  The better we take care of our members, the heart and soul of NCC, the better off the students will be!

NCCFT Elections

I am also supporting Dawn Smith for VP of Non Classroom Faculty and Shawn Novatt for Secretary.  Please see their websites for more information.   

Dawn Smith

Shawn Novatt

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